Thursday, June 20, 2019

Self Liberation

The only way one can truly be free is by acknowledging there is a issue, but if you DON'T recognize the hidden snares that stare, and consumes you daily, you'll never be free.
If you're not aware of the past hell in your mind, how can you shine?, blinded by the unknown.

One must address, confess, then remove the veil of lies lodged in your mind. Only you can heal the illness that always causes you to miss; it's the resist of a deadly kiss.
So on today request that your name be taking off the list, and redirect, it will be a catalyst of bliss. After releasing, disinfecting your fears and insecurities, remember to practice/affirming your new standards; it will manifest.

Rest in your now. You got it off your chest, digest and express your happiness. The time is at hand to be a blessing to the man that stands on His Words for his greater good.
No more suffering, you have found your self worth, and creating the reality you truly desire has been affirmed by Self Liberation.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019


We have the power and authority to redirect our energy with love and truth.
See, we suffer because we DON'T know who we are, allowing ourselves to accept falsehood.

Claim your self worth and project your new THOUGHTS.

Letting go of the past and walking in forgiveness is a must in redirecting your energy in motion.
Only you can heal  the wounds that society forced feed you into believing, the LIES of spiritual soul ties of death.

Mastering YOURSELF is the key to self sufficiency, then and only then can you tear down the illusion of pollution, YOU'RE the solution that causes elevation.

So always remember you have a choice in your or happiness or demise

Sunday, January 8, 2017


I have a abundance of creative flowing from my being. I sing with tone of kindness, bearing beauty and love. As I accept the butterfly that is me, I expand just being human. I transcend and bend the elements of matter and all the old things will shatter at my command.
I am aware that I Am the seven faces of intention, creating freedom with light. Word, I Am Word

Sunday, November 20, 2016


When we operate on a low level of energy , that frequency weakens us and we can be controlled. When we operate on a higher frequency of love (528Hz ) all things becomes possible because we ascend to a different dimension.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


The only way to truly be free is to know thy SELF; you must spend time with your self and you'll find the authentic genus that is so.
When we walk away from the mind set of oppression and remember our true abilities, that's when all things will manifest.
We have to mediate on truth and study so our subconscious mind can be healed from the social system of insanity.
This is the only way to become truly free; create the reality that you see within.


Monday, March 14, 2016


The power within can only manifest when You believe in your abilities.

Whatever you feel guided to do, do it with confidences and watch what comes forth, greatness.

We at times feel powerless because we don't utilize our power and allow fear
to draw near.

Don't fear the unknown, its only unknown because we don't truly believe in faith the size of a mustard seed, it can and will blossom into a beautiful tree.

Water your desires with great
 thoughts, speak life with great intentions, and the power of all things will make your dreams a reality.

So let's rejoice that we have the power to change the things we don't like to the things that makes our spirit sing.

Shalom Namaste

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

You Are

Having faith, is having confidence in who you are and your abilities to create the reality that you so desire.

Jesus said greater works we shall do, and it's by how you're thinking, so mediate on things that are true, lovely and a great report.